Meera Chopra, renowned actress, recently embarked on a new chapter of her life by marrying Rakshit Kejriwal in a splendid ceremony held in Jaipur. Surrounded by the love and warmth of their close ones, the couple exchanged vows in a series of traditional rituals, marking the beginning of their journey together.
Capturing Moments of Bliss
The newlyweds radiated happiness as they posed for photographs capturing the essence of their special day. From the shower of flower petals to the heartfelt laughter during the ceremonies, each image reflected the love shared between Meera and Rakshit. Meera’s caption, resonating with eternal commitment, was accompanied by the heartfelt wishes of friends and well-wishers.
The Venue and Festivities
The celebrations unfolded amidst the luxurious setting of the Buena Vista Luxury Garden Spa Resort in Jaipur. Commencing with the vibrant mehendi function and culminating in a grand reception, every moment was filled with joy and merriment. The traditional rituals, including the sangeet, cocktail party, Haldi ceremony, and Jaimala, added a touch of cultural richness to the festivities.
A Closer Look at Rakshit Kejriwal
Rakshit Kejriwal, Meera Chopra’s now-husband, is more than just a Chartered Accountant. With an MBA in Finance and Strategy from Columbia University, Rakshit co-founded SLAY Coffee in 2015. His interests extend beyond the corporate realm, encompassing important issues such as education and climate change.
Family Ties and Bonds
Meera Chopra wedding and her familial ties with Bollywood sensations Priyanka and Parineeti Chopra, their relationship isn’t as close as one might expect. Meera’s attendance at Priyanka’s wedding in 2018 contrasts with her absence at Parineeti’s wedding in 2023, reflecting the varying degrees of closeness among the cousins.
Meera Chopra’s Professional Journey
Meera’s journey in the entertainment industry has been nothing short of remarkable. Starting with Tamil and Telugu cinema, she quickly garnered acclaim for her roles in various films. Her Bollywood debut in ‘1920 London’ showcased her versatility, followed by memorable performances in ‘Gang of Ghosts’ and ‘Section 375.’ Her latest endeavour, ‘Safed,’ directed by Sandeep Singh, continues to showcase her talent and dedication to her craft.
Meera Chopra’s wedding not only marks a significant milestone in her personal life but also serves as a testament to love, commitment, and the beauty of new beginnings. As she embarks on this new journey with Rakshit Kejriwal, her radiant smile and enduring spirit promise a future filled with happiness and success.