Geri Horner, famously known as Ginger Spice, has quashed rumors of a Spice Girls reunion at Glastonbury in 2024. Despite the festival speculation, Horner hinted that the iconic girl group, comprising Emma Bunton, Mel B, Melanie C, and Victoria Beckham, has something extraordinary in store for fans to celebrate their 30th anniversary next year.
In an interview with Sunday Times, Horner clarified, “There’s always talking, isn’t there? ‘Oh, the Spice Girls are getting back.’ It was so funny, even last year, a really good friend of mine was at Glastonbury, and she called me and went, ‘Are you going to come on stage?’ I’m like, ‘No, I’m sure I would have told you!'”
Despite the absence of official confirmation for a Glastonbury appearance, Emma Bunton (Baby Spice) expressed her enthusiasm for the idea.
Bunton said to the Metro’s Guilty Pleasures column, “We love working together, and when the time is right, things happen. But I love, love, love [them], and I can’t wait till we perform again. It’s got to be right for all of us, collectively, so hopefully, that’ll happen at some point soon.”
Melanie Chisholm (Sporty Spice) also revealed her aspirations for a reunion, particularly with Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice). On their previous reunion tour, Chisholm said, “We were so beautifully received. We had the most incredible time. It was the moment we realized our impact on a generation of people. We are keen to get back on stage. It’s something we continue to discuss. It’s just navigating everybody’s life, work, families.”
Notably, the prospect of performing at Glastonbury uniquely appeals to the group. Chisholm emphasized, “Glastonbury is so magical, and it’s the ultimate British festival. One day a Spice Girls performance there would be a great thing. We would love to grace that stage.”
While the prospect of Victoria Beckham reuniting with the group remains uncertain, Chisholm expressed optimism: “That would be the ultimate dream. The door is always open for Victoria; we would love to see her back. We keep our fingers crossed.”
Recent reports, including one by The Sun, have hinted at discussions for a 2024 tour involving Victoria Beckham. A source mentioned, “All five are on board to mark 30 years in some way, shape, or form. It’s fascinating.”
Victoria Beckham, who has been engaged in her fashion and beauty ventures, has consistently cited her busy schedule for her inability to commit to Spice Girls’ endeavors fully.