What is in a Press Kit of a Successful Artist?

What are artist press kits? And why are they so important to artists? This question lives rent-free in our minds. Well, if you are looking for the same, here is a perfect explanation. An artist’s press kit is a collection of materials used to promote and build up an artist. It is distributed to members of the media for more involvement and promotional purposes. During this challenging marketplace, it is a troublesome task to stand out in millions of artists. There are many ways in which you can promote your business for free and as an artist, it is more important than ever to be creative and to leverage your expertise.

Presskit of a Successful Artist

What is a press kit for an artist and how can it be used?

You can send these press kits to open studios or art fairs to get people excited and aware of your upcoming work. Nowadays, music artists use electronic press kits to promote their videos or to get people excited about any upcoming album or song. It is an essential thing for a music artist when you are trying to get your name out there in public to grab attention about your upcoming work. Electronic press kits pitch to a specific audience and have catchy information and easy to access & share. It also demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to success, which is the first thing that everyone from the audience to music managers look for in an artist.

Press kits can exist in many forms like on paper, CDs, or digital forms, named electronic press kits. Wondering how to make an epk? It is just making press kits in a digital form. Nowadays, many artists rely on digital press kits or electronic press kits, which I would say is the most effective form of a press kit in this digital world.

It also helps in press release for musicians and there are many benefits of press release for musicians. A press release is a tool made to announce something that is newsworthy in the most objective way possible. The whole purpose of a press release is to get coverage and get noticed by a target audience.

Don’t worry if you do not know how to make an electronic press kit for an artist. For accessible and rapid submissions, many websites like Sonicbids allow you to make an artist press kit template of various kinds with their interface.

List of essential items in an artist press kit

The first thing to remember when you wonder how to make a press kit for a music artist is that all the items contained in the press kit should reflect you as an artist and provide a perception of your artistic process. It also helps in more involvement in an artist press release. Artists need to be creative with the bio of their press kit as it is the first thing any buyer will read.

It helps them to understand you and your work better, which inclines their interest in your artistic style and what you are up to. It should be a concluded form of your press kit to engage the reader and inspire them to know more about your current work.

Many successful musicians always have a music artist press kit available to hand out or mail that is accessible to interested parties anytime. Young and aspiring music artists can promote their work for free by making a music artist press kit by themselves. It is just compiling a bulk of information in a creative and organized way.

The question arises, how to create a press kit for an artist or in the other words, how to make a press kit for an artist?

Here is the list of essential items that must be included in a music artist press kit template:

essential items presskit inner
  • Introduction letter: In the introduction letter, provide an insight into your artist press kit. You can also include a table of contents giving information about the inside of a press kit. It increases the eagerness of a reader and makes it easy for your reader to find the information they are looking for.
  • Biography: It attracts the reader to know more about the reader, and they make a purchase. So, an artist should always make sure to have a well-written biography with edited and updated information.
  • Artist Statement: An artist statement is important to make people or interested parties understand the purpose of your art and the reasons to achieve success with your art. The artist statement of many successful artists is an inspiration to many young talents.
  • Awards: Artists should make an organized table of their awards from newest to old. To highlight your talent and to gain the trust of interested parties, all awards from any exhibition or show should be displayed.
  • Current shows: Press kit is a marketing tool that increases the willingness of people to purchase your video online or offline or to be a part of your shows. So, artists should add a list of any shows or exhibitions you are currently a part of in their artist press kit. Make this information up to date.
  • Future shows: This is to make people aware of your future shows or exhibitions that you will be a part of. Also, include links to their websites to make them more attractive. This information should be updated from time to time according to your schedule.
  • Current Press release: You can announce your current shows, exhibitions, and many more to get people excited. Also, try to keep this updated as much as possible. If you are wondering how to write a press release for a music artist press kit, you can see many articles on How to write a new press release for Art events. You can also try some music artist press release templates available online. There is also a sample press release for music artists available online by famous musicians.
  • Contact information: For collaborations and many professional interactions, including your name, mailing address, email address, social media accounts, or any other way one can contact you.
  • Portfolio: To increase your audience, always add the links to your website, portfolio, or blog. Artists should have a functional website to manage professional relations better. If you do not have one, make one on any online platform in a few steps.

So, these were the items to be included in your press kit. Now, the task is to compile and format this information in a way that makes it easy to read. Do not forget to proofread your press kit after completing it. You can save the press kit in PDF form or any non-editable word file. In addition, print your press kits to make them handier for any event and save the online version for online platforms and websites. With a well-designed and easy-to-read press kit, it will become easy to know more about you and your art.

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