Email Marketing for Music Artists

Hey, fellow rockstars!

Email Marketing for Music Artists

How tough can email marketing for music artists get? Let’s sail through its nitty-gritty together. Learn all the basics of email music marketing here and should you have any questions, let us know in the comments below. We’ll be the happiest to answer.

What is Email Marketing for Music Artists?

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy to target a niche audience using electronic mail. In other words, using emails to promote and advertise your musical genius is what email marketing for musicians is all about.

It is generally believed that email marketing can be 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined.

What are the Advantages of Email Marketing for Music Artists?

Artists can promote his/her production to a targeted audience via emails. The fans can get frequent and latest updates about the artists, their tracks, etc. It helps in creating and then maintaining the artist buzz among fans. 

It is also known to develop loyalty and a long-lasting relationship with potential clients of your music brand.

Who will be your potential client?

Other music producers, people from the music industry looking for music artists to collaborate with, festival organizers, etc are your potential clients. Fans will always top the list since whatever you would be, will be because of them.

Artists can also advertize his/her latest soundtracks by sending promotional emails to their niche fanbase. The only thing that needs to be done is the creation of a fancy E-mail template, inclusive of hi-res. pictures or musical posters, taglines, CTAs, etc.

Next, personalize the emails by addressing the user by their names. A personal touch adds magic. This will create recognition and also surge the prospect of email opening.

There are many mailing tools available to do the same. Zoho, MailChimp, and HubSpot are the best for SEO optimized emails with analytics. One can send emails to an innumerous amount of audience with a few clicks.

What are the Benefits of Email Marketing for Musicians?

benefits of email marketing

1. Email marketing aims at a targeted fanbase:

With E-mail marketing, one can have the control of sharing an email with the exact fanbase they’re looking to conquer. This is done by segmenting contacts based on their persona journey status, demographics, location, or any other form of data.

2. Email marketing for music artists increases brand value and awareness:

As the mail is sent across, fans get familiar with you, and your music brand; therefore, you’re exposed to you’re in the music market.

3. Easily startable and shareable:

One-click on the forward button and subscribers can share your new soundtracks, music blogs, and latest news with their friends.

4. High inbox delivery:

Email marketing for music artists promises a high inbox delivery, widening your reach, and eventually building up a market for your merchandise.

5. Builds a healthy communication with your fans:

Builds a healthy communication with your fan base with the help of tools such as autoresponder and drop email feature.

6. Drive revenue:

As it has an advantage of prompting impulse buying or increasing views on your channels.

7. It is low on cost:

Of course, sending emails do not have any cost incurred.

8. Reaches an already-engaged audience:

It reaches an already-engaged audience, that is, it keeps your fanbase involved after they are already connected with you.

9. Shows instant impact:

The urgency convinces immediate actions or clicks.

How to Capture Emails as Musicians?

It is obvious that musicians are creative people, but with little to no knowledge of digital marketing music strategies. They are, of course not, marketers, but it is not as complicated as you ponder.

Email marketing is one of the best ways to generate and pull traffic to your website. In fact, it is the fastest way to do so.

Believe it or not, you will have more chances to see results with a well-written email newsletter rather than a series of Facebook, Instagram posts or Tweets. As an independent music artist, email marketing is the best way to reach your fans.

Let’s see how?

There are three components to capturing emails as music artists:

  • How to get more fans to subscribe?
  • What to offer in exchange for email addresses?
  • Where to place the subscription form?

How to get more fans to subscribe to your updates?

This becomes the chief question, how to ask for email addresses?

To make anyone give away their email address, you have to offer them something in return. This “something” must have a value to your targeted niche audience.

Furthermore, the concept of value will change from one fan group to another. A fan who follows you primarily on SoundCloud might be more interested in getting updates about new tracks. Someone who wants to see your live updates will be more interested in your tour schedule. And, so forth.

Your aim should be to offer to cover as many fan groups as possible.

What can you offer your fans in exchange for their email addresses?

what to offer exchange of email

1. Newsletters

The humble newsletter is a staple of music marketing. You’ll see it on nearly every big musician’s website. Plus, there is always the ever-growing playlist option. Your fans would love to be sent a playlist of your songs.

Sometimes, the newsletters may be vague for casual fans. This poses as a con for newsletters. For example, fans who just want to know when and where you are touring next may not want to subscribe to a weekly or monthly newsletter.

2. Tour Schedules

It is highly recommended for music artists to have a separate section where interested fans can sign up to receive updates. Also, there could be an additional way to notify your fans when you visit their city.

Take a look below at Martin Garrix’s tour schedule on his website:

martin garrix tour

Why keep a separate section you ask? The reason is twofold:

  • Fans who are interested only in your live performances will, more or less, subscribe. Not everyone wants a newsletter in their inbox every now or then.
  • You can segment your email list and send them better-targeted content.

3. Building Communities

A highly effective but rarely used way to capture emails is to create a community around your brand. Fans can sign-up to access this community where they can interact with each other. You get emails (and other fan data) and fans get to be a part of a community — a win-win for all.

Furthermore, fanbase Communities allow fans to purchase albums or tour tickets before anyone else. This creates a brand-fan loyalty much needed in today’s market where loyalty fluctuates.

Here is Avicii’s website, where the makers converted it into a digital memorial ground to remember the fallen star (link the blog on his death here). 

For instance, Selena Gomez’s Community offers its fans Facebook and Twitter banners for update and download.

selena gomez

4. Content Upgrade

The idea behind a “content upgrade” is simple:

  • Create niche content
  • Push additional content that is related to this content and adds value to it
  • Offer the additional information in exchange for an email

Content upgrades work because the additional content has solid contextual significance to the original content. Besides, it boosts the original content piece making it better. Just like a music video or a lyric video accompanying a song boosts its reach.

5. Exclusiveness of Content

Irrespective of what you choose to offer, your focus should be on exclusiveness and suitability.

For instance, 

  • If you offer a video or a specific piece of your content, only accessible to subscribers, you are promising some exclusiveness to your subscribed fans.
  • When offering a newsletter, you are basically telling your fans that they can keep up to date with your music in the convenience of their inbox.

Consider these the foundation of your overall content selection and you’ll see a strong email subscription rate.

Where to place the subscription form?

Can we say “everywhere”?

where to place subscription form

But, unlike businesses, placing multiple sign-up forms on the same page to capture leads, is something we as musicians should not do. This makes you look too pushy and commercial.

On that note, below is a list of spots where you can place your sign-up forms:


The most noticeable space to home your sign-up/newsletter form is your website’s header, footer, or the navigation bar.

Ideally, you want one form to be right above the screen that is visible when someone lands on your website. And, one form in the footer. This is because a fan’s interest and attention will both be at its peak. It is gradually reduced before intensifying again near the footer, says an eye-tracking survey.

Basically, you maximize the chances of your form being seen.

2. On the Tour Schedule Page

It is a fact quite understandable that most fans would want to know your touring schedule. As mostly all fans will have an interest in seeing you perform live. If you are currently not performing in a specified location, you may offer to update him/her via email when you will.

3. Besides Social Media Widgets

By using a link widget like, you can create social media widgets that give fans options to buy/listen to your music. At the bottom of this widget, you can embed a newsletter subscription form.

newsletter social

Any time you have a new release, direct fans/followers on social media to this widget where they can listen to your music and subscribe to your newsletter, all on the same page.

4. Pop-ups

Though annoying, pop-ups are highly effective. Precisely because, they interrupt the fan. Although, not always ideal for user experience, but it does draw attention. 

It is also a good idea for running a specific promotion where capturing emails is more important than giving your fans a smoother experience.

britney spears pop

What is Conversion Rate Optimization for Music Artists?

In the world of marketing, the conversion rate denotes the percentage of users who perform a desired action. For instance, if 100 people visit your site and seven of them buy your tracks or merch, then your conversion rate for sales would be 7%.

The improving of conversion rate is called conversion rate optimization. Conversion rate optimization is strange experimentation of copywriting, design, and at times, luck. Small things, such as changing the color of a button, or using bright colors can improve the conversion rate dramatically.

Not to mention, a small improvement in the conversion rate can harvest significant results over time. 

Likewise, in our case, that is focused on collecting emails, there are a number of things do to improve your email collection rate as musicians.

Tips to Increase Email Collection for Email Marketing as Music Artists

Why would anyone give you his/her email ID?

1. Emphasize on Exclusiveness

One way to answer this is to emphasize the exclusiveness of the person. Make the visitor feel like he/she is part of an exclusive community of fans who get privileged access to your exclusive material and bonus content. It is also essential to keep the promise.

Singer Zayn Malik’s website says so, precisely.

2. Make the Form Distinct

The main job of a subscription form is that it needs to draw the attention of your fans. They shouldn’t have to search for it.

There are three ways to do this: 

  • Form placement –

The location of the form, as mentioned above, (link to the section – Where to place the subscription form?) should be in all ‘heavily trafficked’ areas of your site.

For example, your blog pages.

  • Form design –

Form design is how the form looks. Do not use colors or designs that don’t stand out, while it might be better for aesthetics. Fans should notice the form, not ignore it.

  • CTC or Call to Action –

The call to action must scream “click me!” Use a color that stands out on the page. Ideally, this should be a color that you have not used elsewhere. Also, ask questions and make it actionable.

For example, look at the screenshot from Major Mazer’s subscription form, below.

major lazer join

3. Clarify the Form Purpose

The copy of your subscription form should make it clear what the user is signing up for, and what happens after he/she clicks the “Subscribe” button.

Usage of vague terms, such as “sign up,” for a specific functionality won’t help. As it doesn’t tell the fan its purpose. The clarity in the copy of the CTC button will help boost the email list faster as the fan knows what clicking the button will accomplish.

For example, DJ Steve Aoki’s precisely dictates the form’s purpose.

join our

Although there’s always more, the above will be more than enough to ensure a regular stream of fans or visitors turning into subscribers.

What should you do next with these subscribers?

First, now obviously you should keep your promise and send them regular exclusive content. To keep track, create a month-wise content calendar. And, whenever you have a sudden update, just push an alert to your subscribers.

As per HubSpot, it is too vital to segment your list. Do it to identify your “mega fans,” i.e. subscribers who never miss an update and therefore, interact with your content deeply.

They open your emails, follow you on social media (cross-refer your mailing list with your Facebook followers using custom audiences), have bought an album, track or merchandise from your website, etc.

Your goal should be to engage these mega fans to get them to introduce their social networks to your music and brand. Offer them exclusive access to the latest content and make them feel lucky.

Additionally, you should also identify disengaged subscribers. These are the subscribers with low open rates and interaction with your website, social media, or music. Depending on your marketing resources, you can either ignore or remove these subscribers or make an effort to re-engage them.

Further, you can create niche-targeted sections and pitch them merchandise. You can, also, create a separate mega fan. By now you must have understood the importance of capturing email IDs. And, that it provides a lot of raw material for building your music marketing around.


As a musician your website (link the website development page) will act as your most loyal marketing agent, showing off your talents and skills. It’s also a place to keep your fans excited about your albums, upcoming gigs, or keep you in touch with potential people who would want to book you for a festival or gig.

Why is email marketing important for musicians?

Importance of Email Marketing for Music Artists

Most of your work, at least at the beginning of your music career, will not limit to playing or making music. You will have to, of course, work towards getting people to pay you for your skills. Let’s get honest there! To do that you will need to be present in all spheres and easily visible.

Email marketing for music artists can be made possible by the below forms:

  • Social Media
  • Advertisements

Lead generation for musicians (link the page here) is about your capability to generate new sales leads because more the leads generated, more the business generated. But all forms of lead generation begin with the capturing of emails or gaining successful subscribers. For that, one must be visible to his/her fans everywhere. What better than social media for the purpose?

Social Media

Which social media platforms are the best for musicians? (link a blog with the same name here)

  • You must have a YouTube channel, dedicated Facebook page, Instagram account, and Twitter account. 
  • You must follow other musicians and bands. It’s a great way to find out about local concerts and festivals.
  • Post pics and videos, regularly.
  • Engage in a conversation. If you have an upcoming gig, let fans know that you’re taking requests. Also, ask fans what songs they like best and why. Listen carefully; they’ll be giving you a treasure house of tips to help you create the music they want to hear.

Learn about different tips on social media marketing for musician.


Not the hoarding or billboard type. For you to make your digital presence felt, it has to be laser-focused.

Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, Instagram promotions offer target fan advertising schemes that can suit the budgets of new musicians. Often, they are based on a cost per click model.

  • Google Adwords target search words, geographic location, and the language of your targeted audience. 
  • Facebook Ads reaches the niche audience by aiming at age, gender, and/or specific pages that your target audience liked. 
  • LinkedIn Ads tailors advertising by job titles, industry, age, gender, or by the LinkedIn groups your target audience belongs to.

Your advertising possibilities are infinite. Think about your audience and your budget. Then, just advertise and redirect your fans to your subscription space to garner subscriptions.

What are the pros and cons of Email Marketing?

pros and cons

Pros of Email Marketing for Music Artists:

The most common of all the advantages of email marketing is email marketing for music artists being an affordable and cost-effective option. One may reach any amount of people with just a click. It is a time-saving music marketing strategy. That is exactly why email marketing in the music industry is followed intensively.

Email marketing for musicians is also a real-time based music marketing strategy. Your mails are easily shareable, efforts are traceable, trackable and measurable. One may even send test emails to check how exactly the final output looks like.

Additionally, it is pretty environment-friendly, as it in a digital format. So much better than publishing flyers.

Furthermore, the audience may be scalable, a large audience or a small target group. Because of this, the emails may be customized keeping in mind the target fanbase. It can also be personalized by adding names. Personalization enhances the chances of conversion of a fanbase.

Further, it is a permission-based music marketing strategy. It is so because people who will receive your emails will have actively chosen to receive them and will be genuinely interested in the engagement. Send out latest updates, new songs, press releases, etc. on emails. Also, they are less intrusive as emails can be read whenever the time suits the fans. It doesn’t get lost in the feed like in social media marketing.

In addition, there is a flexibility of design. You may include anything you like until it crosses the email weight limit. You may add graphics, plain text or pictures, basically, whatever suits your needs. It is also a sure-shot technique to drive repetitive traffic to your website. Thus, it builds loyal relationships.

Cons of Email Marketing for Music Artists:

Whenever there are emails involved, there is a constant anxiety of them landing in the spam folder or your email effort getting killed by the spam filters. Other than that, email marketing requires constant updating because once you start it, you should not stop it. This prompts another disadvantage of email marketing, that is the option to unsubscribe. People who may have willingly joined your email list might want to unsubscribe to your efforts. Furthermore, your fans may even not bother to open and read the mail and its contents. It may get completely ignored or deleted straightaway.

Next, you can do everything right and yet not get the desired response, or get absolutely no response or conversions. This may even be the result of the undeliverability of emails. Further, there is a fear of not being able to reach the right fanbase, your emails may land with bots.

Additionally, your creativity may be limited in terms of design problems and size issues which will prompt the requirement for resources and skills. Thereupon, involve a cost.

What are the Email Marketing Tips for Music Artists?

email marketing tips

1. Create an eye-catching subject line

First and foremost, the subject line is the first thing that anyone would notice first. Therefore, it’s vital to write an exceptional and eye-catching subject line. They should be giving out a little bit of information on what is in the email, pose a fascinating question, or be amusing in a way that would hook your fans inviting them to open your email.

For a musician, you could write a subject line reflecting your personality, or the theme of your music, and so forth.

2. Use actionable language

As simple as it is, actionable language acts as a clickbait. It prompts more opens of your emails.

Especially for a musician, you want people to click on your link, hear your music or see your video. You don’t want a short-term engagement. However, getting your fans to stay on the link is entirely a different thing. Hence, personalization!

3. Personalization is the key

Your fans are your fans because they love to hear from you, and not some automated generated email or company sent mail. You ought to use that.

Spend some time on what your tone should be on the email, how will you address your fans, how personalized your emails will be, etc. Then proceed to use what you think is best in your communication with your fanbase.

Remember that your fans love you for who you are.

4. Write reader-friendly emails

Don’t compose emails with grammatical mistakes or misspelled words. It usually ends up in spam. Plus, it looks highly unprofessional. One may use tools like to reduce grammatical errors.

5. Know your audience

It is imperative to know your fans. So, take some time out for the same. Create surveys and ask them fun questions that can give you good and thorough answers. Use Google Analytics to figure out your target audience, engage with them on social media, and use all the info gathered to acclimatize your emails to suit them.

6. Keep it short and sweet

Don’t bore people, it will further lead to distractions. Talk on-point to keep your viewers engaged. This way, your readers will be able to get most of the information and thus continue to click on your links.

7. Make being on your list worth it

Putting it forth, do not let people regret subscribing to you. Therefore, do not send out pointless emails that provide no value to them.

For this purpose, make them feel exclusive and premier. Let them hear your music before anyone else does, or open gates to pre-purchase your products. Additionally, you may offer them special discounts or gifts.


Following these music strategies will certainly up your email marketing for music artist’s games. If you’re wondering how to promote your music via email marketing, think through and stick to your schedule. Be as interesting as you can.

Lastly, stressing on the fact that email music marketing campaigns are a great way to reach your fans and inform them about everything happening in and around your music.

If practiced right, email marketing has the strength to take you to the zenith of digital marketing success. Just, do it right!

Further, should you need any professional help, reach out to us using the form beside. We GrooveConnoisseurs, understand your needs and will be happy to help and guide you better with email music marketing!

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